Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday Morning Craftiness

Have you ever just woken up wanting to create something? I do, a lot, but rarely have the time to make anything cute! This "pinspiration" came from Mamie Jane's who got the original idea from Pottery Barn. The item is a tablet holder for your kitchen. You know, so you can cook while using a recipe from Pinterest...I mean, who uses cookbooks anymore?! There are 5 items required to make this precious kitchen gem: a cutting board, child's block, Scrabble tile holder, wood glue, and paint. Simple, huh? It couldn't be easier and the possibilities are ENDLESS!

Here's Pottery Barn's version, for $34.50 aka NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

and here's my version:
Mine features a quote from Virgina Woolf, "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well." The added quote makes the piece look like art when my iPad isn't on it. I used E-6000 , the best smelly glue around, to adhere the wooden wedge block and tile holder and acrylic paint and paint pen.

I'd love to know what you think!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's Been a While...

Hey Yall! I know its been a while since you've heard from me. Happy ChristmaHannuKwanzica! Well, 2013 is upon us and its time for New Years Resolutions. What are yours?

I saw on the Today show that half of Americans make NYRs and of those, 40% have to do with weight loss. Weight loss is on a lot of people's minds (myself included), but I feel like less emphasis should be on getting skinny and more on getting healthy. Let's face it, unhealthy food is certainly more convenient and often times cheaper. Some might say "why spend $10 on salad ingredients when I can get 8 or 9 double cheeseburgers from McDonald's, that's dinner for a week!" I've faced the same scenarios. Like many others, I've tried just about everything: Slim Fast, Weight Watchers, juice cleanses, low carb, counting calories. Some of these plans worked, but I grew bored with them and thought I could do it on my own...WRONG! This year is going to be all about change for me.  Something's gotta give and I want to actually start *living* my life. Starting small, I am going to limit myself to one soda per day, caffeine free of course, and its typically a ginger current favorite! And who's got the perfect recipe for a green smoothie? During my juice cleanse days I bought a nice juicer and now it's sitting in the box collecting dust. Green smoothies are packed with vitamins and nutrients and it feels like now is the time to start introducing more of those into my diet.

As for other NYRs, I think I'll add trying to be more patient with others and reducing the amount of time I spend with technology. I've heard recently that screen time before bed reduces the amount of melatonin, the natural sleep aid, in your system therefore making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep. I'm the world's worst for flipping the lights off, plopping into bed, plugging my phone in, and cruising Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest for at least a half hour before shutting down for some zzz's. My phone is also my alarm clock so the cycle repeats in the morning after I wake up! I look forward to slightly disconnecting and starting to see and experience the world around me.

So, what are your New Years Resolutions? I hope 2013 brings you joy, love, and laughter!